Phone: +49 5201 8142-0
LUCA Logistic Solutions

Hybrid Concept

For complex tasks, a single technology can rarely meet all customer requirements. We often use several technologies at the same time to meet the different requirements of the picking systems. This enables us to create an optimal system. By using hybrid technology, our systems remain very flexible and are often automatically adapted to new situations.

Voice Picking & Pick-to-Light

During picking or sequencing, the large and small parts are stored differently. Orders for mixed products often have different requirements. On the one hand, the large parts must be picked with both hands, whereby the picking performance may be lower, but on the other hand, the small parts must be picked quickly and safely from the shelves. To solve such tasks, we have simultaneously developed Voice Picking for the large parts and Pick-to-Light for the small parts.

In this case, our system automatically recognizes the availability of the displays and controls the voice dialogues differently. On the other hand, when picking large parts, only the Voice Picking with sequential output and voice dialogs is used. For small parts, the Pick-to-Light displays are switched on simultaneously at all required compartments and only the LED color is output via voice. If required, the Pick-to-Light displays can be easily retrofitted. The LUCA software automatically recognizes the new displays.

Voice Picking & Pick-by-Point®

With Voice Picking the problem often arises that the employee has to communicate too much with the voice system when picking at high capacity. To reduce the constant announcement of check sums, which the employee knows by heart anyway, we show him the picking compartment with the Pick-by-Point®, whereby only the number of items is output by voice.

As the lamp of the Pick-by-Point® system illuminates the entire removal compartment, access is additionally secured according to the PokaYoke principle. Removal confirmation can be carried out via a scanner or voice dialog. The employee only confirms the number of items removed by voice. The hybrid system significantly increases picking performance compared to Voice Picking itself.

We have only presented an excerpt from the possible hybrid concept solutions here. There are many other variants that can be used very well and innovatively in the hybrid concept. Please contact us for further information.

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