Pick-by-Cart / Picking Cart
What is Multi-Order-Picking?
Preparation of orders before the start
Picking process
How is time saved?
Pick-by-Cart simply explained
As Pick-by-Cart is a picking trolley on which a mobile Pick-to-Light system is permanently installed. This picking method is ideal for Multi-Order-Picking picking. The picker is guided through the warehouse in a route-optimized manner and picks several orders at the same time.
Order picking trolleys for Multi-Order-Picking
The shelf trolley is best suited as an order picking trolley for Multi-Order-Picking . The individual containers or cartons are positioned and registered on the levels of the trolley. Picking several orders at the same time significantly speeds up the picking process.
The path-optimized control system enables the entire order picking trolley to be completed in a single pass. The correct and fast distribution of the articles to several order compartments is the problem. This is where a pick slip, Pick-by-Scan or even Voice Picking is overwhelmed. Other picking systems are not ideal either. The Pick-by-Cart or Pick-by-Frame® described here is used to ensure efficient use.
Pick-by-Cart vs. Pick-by-Frame® ?
There is hardly any difference between the two methods in terms of the process. The major difference lies in the distribution of the work steps in the warehouse.
The Pick-by-Cart with permanently mounted Pick-to-Light displays is used when an employee always keeps their trolley at work and carries out the entire process, from preparation, picking and packing, themselves. At Pick-by-Cart , the number of pickers and the number of picking trolleys in the warehouse is the same.
The Pick-by-Frame® is used when several employees are involved in preparation, picking and packing. The frame is only used for picking. The supporting technology is mounted on a separately moving frame with Pick-to-LightWifi and rechargeable batteries and "docked" to a trolley. The trolley and the frame are registered with the order management system and controlled via scanner or RFID. Preparation and packing is carried out by other employees. The order picker always retains his technology and the marked picking trolley is passed on. With the Frame system, the same picking trolley can also be processed by several employees in different aisles or on different floors. With Pick-by-Frame® , the number of frames and the number of order pickers are the same. The number of frames to picking trolleys should be > 1:2.
The picking process
At Pick-by-Cart , only the docking at the picking trolley is omitted. Otherwise, the process is the same with Pick-by-Frame®.
Many years of experience in paperless picking
Logistics and production 2024
The ultimate order picking trolley