Phone: +49 5201 8142-0
LUCA Logistic Solutions

High Performance

The performance of a system is not only determined by the speed of the technology. Planning is much more important in order to achieve the right processes and support for employees and to increase acceptance. The technology itself is not the art here. But it is not possible without the right technology.

The fast LUCA technique

Fast technology is a prerequisite for the creation of modern order picking systems. The technology of the LUCA-Server is based on high-performance developments that have taken place entirely in-house and do not use third-party products such as Microsoft objects or purchased libraries. The ANSI C++ developments address the operating system directly at the lowest level and guarantee maximum stability.

Internally, several thousand telegrams per second can be exchanged and processed between the processes and interfaces on LUCA-Server . The databases are used as data containers for the processes and play no role in the active data exchange. Professional internal mechanisms ensure the security of the running data. For this reason, LUCA-Server can be classified as a high-performance product.

Die Geschwindigkeit ist eine Frage der Definition. Bei einigen Marktprodukten wird mit Antwortzeiten < 1 Sekunde geworben. Das reicht aber bei komplexen Anlagen nicht.

First plan properly, then choose the technology

Even if today's technology offers many possibilities and interesting suggestions, it does not always make sense to use something that is inappropriate for the employee and process.

An excellent example of bad planning and fashion is the poor use of Google Glass glasses in logistics. The technology itself is very good. However, the use for employees in logistics is absolutely wrong. Google Glass glasses are very quickly being replaced by primitive tablets, which is not the goal. We conducted research projects on this topic several years ago and gathered experience.

From this perspective, correct planning and only then the correct selection of the right technology is the key to high-performance, stable and cost-optimized systems. Take advantage of our proven systems, such as Pick-to-LightPick-by-Frame®, Pick-by-Point®, Voice Picking etc.

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