Pick-to-Light Module: PTF-6N-1

212 mm x 50 mm
This Pick-to-Light displays PTF-6N-1 is a module with a numerical display. Compared to the four-digit PTF-4N-1, two additional numerical characters are available here. We recommend the use of this compartment display in a Pick-to-Light system for displaying large quantities. It is of course possible to use the first or last characters to indicate container units.
This compartment display variant is used in process sequences in which the display of six-digit numeric characters is required. These include large withdrawal quantities, abbreviated article numbers or, if necessary, storage location designations. Once the order has been activated in the system, the compartment displays light up with the corresponding withdrawal quantities and, if applicable, employee information.
The removal is confirmed by the acknowledgement button. The +/- keys can be used to correct shortages and take stock. Various individual functions can be triggered via the function button. The information displayed and the sequence on the compartment display are controlled by the LUCA-Server and can be customized.
More information in the main article: Pick to Light & Pick-to-Light system in 2023
Why different system names?
The method Pick-to-Light involves classic order picking with the help of compartment displays. The Pick-to-Light display shows the removal quantity directly on the storage compartment. The Pick-to-Light system usually receives confirmation of the removal by pressing a button on the module.
The term is often used in English-speaking countries instead of Pick-to-Light . The Pick-to-Light method is a Multi-Order-Picking method that focuses on the distribution of items that have just been picked to different orders. The method is classically used with a picking trolley (Pick-by-Cart).
The put-to-light method clearly defines the distribution of goods to the target compartments. A classic example of this is replenishment in a flow rack.
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