The production lines in the Automotive industry set the pace in the warehouse. The quality of replenishment processes, order picking and timely delivery to the line are the primary objectives of intra-logistics. The system must also guarantee the smooth supply of standard parts to the line. With a high number of variants, sequencing in the warehouse must be guaranteed with 100% reliability. Sequence trolleys and shopping baskets are formed and placed on the line with a tugger train to match the cycle. External service providers often take on these tasks.
Poka Yoke in Automotive
Various methods have been developed worldwide to ensure the quality of different work processes. One of the leading philosophies in this field was developed in Japan by Shigeo Shingo from 1961 to 1964. Today, work processes are planned and implemented according to the Poka Yoke principle. LUCA systems support many picking systems and their combinations (Pick to LightPick-by-Frame®, Pick-by-Point®, Voice Pickingetc.) the appropriate processes with error prevention according to the Poka Yoke principle (more on Wikipedia).
Shopping cart (KIT)
Depending on the model variant, a shopping basket is usually created in a "supermarket" (SuMa) at Automotive (KLT or special box). The parts are stored in different variants in the storage area. The task is to pick the appropriate parts into the shopping cart (KIT) and then place the finished shopping cart in the correct position in the line sequence. Picking with short quantities is not permitted. Today, single-order picking is still often carried out with a slip of paper. Various LUCA systems are available to increase the quality of order picking and support employees: Pick-by-Scan, Pick-to-Light system (multi-user), Voice Picking, Pick-by-Watch, Pick-by-Tablet. The selection of suitable technology is worked out in workshops and possibly tested in pilot systems.
Multi-sequence picking (RACK)
Small and large parts are picked directly into the compartments of a sequencing trolley (RACK). In a RACK, parts for N vehicles are sorted into N compartments. In route-optimized sequencing, several parts are often removed from a storage compartment at the same time and placed in different target compartments in the RACK. Paper lists are not well suited for this process in the Automotive area. To ensure quality when using paper lists, SuMa often switches to a single-seqeunce method (compartment by compartment). However, this LUCA system results in very high time losses due to repetitive routes. With frequently changing personnel, additional sequencing errors cannot be avoided.
The picking of RACKs using the optimum multi-sequence picking method must be supported technically. Various solutions are available for this, above all Pick-by-Frame®. This very efficient and high-quality method is very well suited for use.
In some cases, employees in the warehouse carry out various assembly tasks on the components after picking. These are then delivered to the lines in the appropriate sequence. For the Automotive area, various solutions are available to support the organization and system processes for assembly activities (Pick-to-Light, Voice PickingPick-by-Frame®, etc). Just get in touch with us.
Shoring documentation
The automotive industry often requires installation documentation for the pre-assembly of technically sensitive components (e.g. pre-assembly of side mirrors with electronic assistants). In such cases, we equip the pre-assembly stations with high-quality measuring equipment and test systems. Measured values are stored in accordance with the regulations (long-term backup). LUCA systems offer a wide range of options for designing these workstations and combining them with different picking solutions.
You can also read information about order picking.