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LUCA Logistic Solutions


The industry's requirements are very much geared towards quantities. The aim is to ship shipments quickly and with the maximum number of items ordered. At the same time, subsequent deliveries should be avoided as far as possible. Nevertheless, a strong flow of returns is to be expected in a store system.

Quantity or quality in eCommerce?

Depending on the item value and other specific requirements (batches, serial numbers, etc.), more or less attention is paid to quality when picking eCommerce items. The high volume and performance-oriented work, as well as the rapid turnover of employees, require simple and self-explanatory picking systems (such as Pick to LightPick-by-Frame®, Pick-by-Point®). The systems and the LUCA software must therefore be very flexible and quickly adaptable. Due to the high performance Voice Picking is only suitable for this to a limited extent.

Manual or automatic?

Strong automation is not always suitable for eCommerce. Depending on the seasonal utilization of the individual warehouses, simple and flexible systems are often better. Fully automated warehouses that are controlled by sophisticated conveyor technology and material flow systems are often the better solution for constant warehouse performance and constant personnel.

Single picking

This method involves an order that is to be picked from the warehouse. This manual method, which is not very effective, is still often used today in many eCommerce warehouses where paper lists are still used. The routes taken by employees during the daily routine are not optimal. The method is well suited to large orders with high volumes and express orders. If automatic conveyor technology with a material flow control system is used with this method, performance can be significantly increased. Various systems are available at LUCA to support this picking method and, above all, to ensure quality: Pick-by-Scan, Pick-to-Light system, Voice Picking, material flow systems. The decision as to which system with the LUCA software is best suited for eCommerce use is worked out together with the planners and customers during the workshops.


With this method, several orders are picked simultaneously on one picking trolley. Several items for several orders are taken from a storage compartment and distributed directly to suit. This means that several orders are picked simultaneously in a single pass through the warehouse. Picking with a paper picking list is not suitable for this and should only be carried out by experienced employees due to the potential for errors. The problem with this method without technical support is that the distribution of the picked items in the right quantities to the right compartments often leads to mix-ups. LUCA software supports this method with various well-suited systems (see Pick-by-Cart or Pick-by-Frame®). In order to decide on the right method, various parameters and factors must first be analyzed in workshops.

Multi-step picking

In large warehouses with a varied article and order structure, it often makes sense to divide picking into two stages. At the beginning, a batch with N orders is created. In the first stage, all items from the batch are picked from the warehouse in collection boxes or containers in a route-optimized manner. In the second stage, the items from the activated batch are scanned (advantage: additional quality assurance, disadvantage: repeated handling) and sorted into the target compartments (orders). Various LUCA systems with the professional LUCA software are available for support in both stages.


Once all picked items have been assigned to an order, the parcels are packed and prepared for dispatch. The packing stations are equipped with delivery bill and shipping label printers, cardboard boxes, special labels, etc., depending on the workflow and requirements. LUCA systems support, for example, the customer and order-specific sorting of advertising material and/or vouchers. Carton sealers and automatic labeling stations are also used on some highly automated systems.

Consolidation & Sorting

For large-volume orders, the individual cartons or even several pallets need to be consolidated and prepared for shipping. Various methods are available for consolidation with LUCA solutions. The individual cartons and pallets are also sorted manually or fully automatically at outgoing goods, depending on the destination, country or shipper. The outgoing goods area is often equipped with suitable conveyor technology.

Find out more about order picking.

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