What is a picking order?
While a picking list can include several customer orders, the classic picking order is created for one customer order. The picking order contains the article number, withdrawal quantity, unit of measure, warehouse as well as the exact storage location, delivery date and delivery location. The picking order is often also referred to as a picking list, picking list or picking slip.
Preparation of a picking order
The order and the order data are checked after the order is placed. The warehouse management system, for example SAP, is used to determine whether the goods are available in the warehouse. If goods are missing for removal from the storage location, the retrieval strategy process is triggered and the items are made available in the storage zones.
To improve the picking time and the picking performance of the picker during picking, all items of an order should be ready at the specified storage bin.
Picking methods
The employee in the warehouse receives the picking order. The order is passed on with (paper list) or without (electronic) documents. Paperless picking methods are predominantly used in order to reduce travel time, shorten picking times and ensure the quality of picking. These include Pick-to-Light, Pick-by-Scan or Voice Picking.