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LUCA Logistic Solutions

Pick-to-Light Order picking

In this article, we explain how order picking with Pick-to-Light works best in a warehouse or production facility.

How exactly does Pick-to-Light picking work?

Pick-to-Light Picking is a picking method that visually supports removal from a storage compartment. A compartment indicator with LED, display and acknowledgement button is installed at each picking location. The picker follows the LED indicator and reads the number of items from the quantity display. The LED light color is adjustable. At Pick-to-Light picking, the removal is confirmed at the acknowledgement button, which results in a paperless stock change in the warehouse management system. Once everything has been picked, a message is displayed. The picker can immediately start the next order.

Pick-to-Light Order picking
Pick-to-Light Picking uses the illuminated Pick-to-Light compartment displays, which are attached to each storage compartment and include a signal light, quantity display and acknowledgement button.

How fast is order picking with Pick-to-Light?

Pick-to-Light Picking is one of the manual picking methods and is very fast. Once the order has been activated by the warehouse management system, the compartment displays on the storage compartments are switched on in real time within a few milliseconds.

The order picker can very quickly detect the light signals, read the quantity and acknowledge the picks. His training time is minimal. Depending on the layout of the picking zones, an order picker can make up to 400 picks per hour . The quality of the picks is also very high.

Quality in order picking with Pick-to-Light

The quality of picking with the picking process is very high. The exact definition of picking errors depends on various factors and is on average between 0.03% and 0.1%.

One of the biggest errors is that the employee incorrectly counts the number of items to be picked at the storage location. For this reason, counting scales are used as an aid in the process for large removal quantities. In this case, we speak of a Pick-by-Weight system.


Pick-to-Light Picking is one of the best picking methods on the market. Acknowledgement with the acknowledgement button can also be replaced by an automatic sensor and is very fast. This relieves the operator even more. His search time is reduced to a minimum.

We offer Pick-to-Light with professional software and hardware. The fast control of the systems and the connection to the warehouse management system is carried out by the LUCA communication server. Compare also the other LUCA systems for paperless systems on our other websites.

If you have any questions about choosing the right system, we will be happy to advise you.

Many years of experience in paperless picking


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