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LUCA Logistic Solutions

Who is an order picker?

The order picker collects the goods for the customer orders.

What does an order picker do?

The main task of an order picker in warehouse logistics is the order-related removal (picking) of items from a storage bin in the warehouse. Items are picked from storage compartments on shelves or from pallet storage locations. Picking is based on a picking list (electronic or as physical accompanying documents). The processes are often supported by picking systems (picking procedures) such as Pick-to-Light, Voice Picking, Pick-by-Point, Pick-by-Frame, etc.

Before starting work, the order picker often prepares the packaging (cartons, containers, mesh boxes, pallets, etc.). Picking then begins. He goes through several storage zones according to the picking list and picks the goods from the storage locations. Each item of the picking order is confirmed. Picking systems and warehouse management systems are used to keep travel times short. They optimize storage and routes. Once the order is complete, it is checked, packed and dispatched. The order picker bears a great responsibility for the quality of the work for the entire team (minimizing shortfalls and optimizing handling costs).

Picking in a picking warehouse is done manually. The following picking devices can be used as aids: Forklift trucks, pallet trucks, various other devices, industrial trucks and various supporting systems.

Does the order picker need training?

No. To work as an order picker, you don't need a full apprenticeship at a vocational college. A search on a job exchange is enough. The profession is taught in a logistics company as part of a specialist preparation program. Warehouse specialists, retail packers and warehouse logistics specialists learn the profession directly with work experience.

Further training in warehouse management is possible. However, this depends heavily on each individual employer. Ask the company when you apply.

Find a job as an order picker?

Finding a job as an order picker is not difficult. There are many job advertisements and job exchanges where employees with the job profile are sought (e.g. https://www.

To narrow down your job search, you can also enter the city where you are looking for the job in the search field, e.g. "order picker Hamburg". In many cases, even the job advertisements in the employment offices are very easy to find. If you come from a different profession, search for "Application for order picker lateral entrant". Skilled workers who have a forklift driver's license have advantages in this job. Some companies only have pallet trucks, for which you do not need a driving license.

Good luck with your application! 

Order picker salary?

An order picker in Germany initially earns between €12 and €18 per hour. However, his salary varies greatly depending on the industry. Seasonal employees earn much less. Many temporary employment agencies also hire order pickers at a very low wage. It is therefore better to apply directly to the companies that need an order picker. That pays more.

Is order picking difficult?

There are many carrying aids available in a modern logistics warehouse. In the past, order pickers had to carry very heavy loads. Today's standards regulate the maximum weight they are allowed to carry. Forklift trucks, pallet trucks and cranes are available.

Various picking systems support the work in warehouse logistics and eliminate the accompanying documents (picking list). If you want to find out more about innovative picking methods, read more articles on: Pick-to-Light, Voice Picking, Pick-by-Point, Pick-by-Frame, etc.

Many years of experience in paperless picking


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